Version 6.0.1

Squish 6.0.1 is a maintenance release containing various bug fixes and small improvements as described below:


  • Fixed a bug in the setup program which caused reading/writing the license key to fail if it's stored in paths involving non-English characters.
  • Squish failed to reproduce non-english characters in XML 3 reports in some cases - this has been fixed.
  • A problem was fixed which caused squishrunner to not handle commandline arguments involving non-english characters correctly.
  • Fixed a problem that prevented errors during the loading of the script languages from being included in the squishrunner output.
  • Fixed a problem in the setup program which caused it to terminate abnormally if Google Chrome was not installed.
  • Fix a problem in the XML3 generator when adding XML content to the test results.

Squish IDE-specific

  • Fixed a problem that broke various features in the .feature file editor when the feature file is in a path that contains non-english characters.
  • Fixed a problem that caused sluggish behavior in the user interface when pressing the Ctrl key (for example as part of a Ctrl+C to copy text).
  • Included the openmode argument in the completion of the File function in the JavaScript editor.
  • Added Open/Open With entries to the context menu of files in the Test Suites and Global Scripts views to allow easier opening of these with external editors.
  • Fixed a problem that caused an error when trying to record multiple snippets when having launched an AUT using the Launch AUT button.
  • Fixed a problem when an application unexpectedly exits while picking an object.
  • Fixed a problem that prevented installing the Squish Eclipse Integration into Eclipse 3.7.
  • Fixed a problem with context menu entries in the Test Suites view on CentOS
  • Fixed a problem that caused the editor to scroll to the top of the file after doing a snippet recording.
  • The Application Objects view no longer shows application contexts of terminated applications.
  • Fix a problem with finding step implementations for BDD steps when the step text contains non-ascii characters and JavaScript is being used as scripting language


  • Fixed various issues related to non-English characters in .feature files of BDD tests using using Perl, JavaScript or Ruby.
  • Respect the testSettings.throwOnFailure setting when executing Boolean test.exception(code) in Python.
  • Fixed logging verification results when testSettings.throwOnFailure is enabled.
  • Fixed JavaScript execution of finally clause when a runtime error occurred in catch().
  • Fixed JavaScript garbage collection of "bound functions" created with Function.prototype.bind().
  • Fixed a problem with disabling/removing breakpoints when the test execution is paused.
  • Fixed Python DLL mixup with system installed Python on Windows, resulting in import errors for some modules.
  • Fixed the line number reported for the main function in the backtrace reported by the JavaScript StackTrace test.stackTrace() function.
  • Syntax errors reported for JavaScript-based BDD tests are now reported at the correct location.
  • Fixed display of Perl magic variables during debugging.


  • Introduced a signed Squish extension for Firefox so that Squish will work with Firefox 41 and newer versions.
  • Improved setup documentation for testing browsers supported through the proxy approach.
  • Improved usability of Browser page in the setup program.
  • Improved recording of Web Applications using touch events in browsers on mobile devices.
  • Avoid recording unecessary activateBrowserTab(tab) calls when recording on Microsoft Internet Explorer.
  • Fixed a problem that caused no DOCUMENT object to appear in the Application Objects view when using browsers on mobile devices or otherwise supported through the proxy approach
  • Fixed a problem that caused raiseWindow() to fail when hooking an already running instance of Microsoft Internet Explorer.
  • Fixed a problem that prevented the browser on mobile devices to return to the startsquish page after finishing a test case execution.
  • Removed the unsupported Mozilla entry from the list of browsers shown in the Squish IDE.
  • Fixed a problem with the lookup of objects that referred a form but where not children of that form.
  • Fixed problems with automating IE instances when disabling the Browser Tab support
  • Introduced a close function for the BrowserTab object so tabs can be closed from the test scripts
  • Disallow using startApplication with a URL to start webhook as this was never intended to work this way and just worked by accident
  • Disallow combining the Browser Tab support with the older method for hooking additional browser windows as this combination makes no sense
  • Fixed a problem where hooking into a page that redirects the original URL to some other place failed with Chrome and Firefox during the initial startup.


  • Added clickTab() recording for tabs inside a QTabWidget.
  • Added support for Qt invokable methods returning a custom enum type.
  • Improved support for custom Qt enum types inside a namespace.
  • Fixed a problem that broke running the example applications in Squish for Qt packages for Qt 5.5.
  • Fixed a problem that prevented the Squish support for QML WebView to be packaged on MacOSX
  • Fixed triggering of global shortcuts using type() on Qt 5.5 or newer.
  • Added logging of Qt version when hooking into an AUT
  • Fixed picking and recording on QtQuick 2.x items when a parent item is fully translucent.
  • Fixed recording of text input inside QQuickWidget on Qt 5.4.1 or newer.
  • Fixed snippet recording on Qt web views.
  • Preliminary support for building with Qt 5.6.

Windows (native)-specific

  • Executing two mouseClick(objectOrName) statements in a row will no longer trigger a double click.
  • Fix a problem with hooking into browser controls embedded into native Windows applications causing the webhook context to disappear from the Application Objects view.

Mac-specific (Cocoa/Carbon edition)

  • Fixed typing text in a web view where the HTML object uses an onchange or oninput handler.


  • Fix a problem with hooking into browser controls embedded into SWT applications causing the webhook context to disappear from the Application Objects view.
  • Fixed a problem which caused native dialogs not to be shown when running the AUT in the Spy or Debug mode.

iOS-specific (iPhone/iPad edition)

  • Fixed typing text in a web view where the HTML object uses an onchange or oninput handler.
  • Improved the automatic detection of a suitable iOS SDK when starting the AUT in the simulator.
  • Fixed playback of clicks in iOS 9 on certain objects (like the buttons in an alert).


  • It is now possible to call the hideKeyboard(object) function with an HTML object.
  • Fix recording openMenu on Android-6.0 final.


  • Fixed the table of contents link to the "Squish Concepts" section for the tutorials.
  • Updated documentation for integrating the Qt builtin-hook in AUT code.

Source Packages

  • Fixed compiler detection for GNU C++ and compatible toolchains on locales other than English.

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The documentation provided herein is licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
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