
The QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactory class is a factory class used as the plugin interface for external providers of positioning data. More

Inheritance diagram of PySide6.QtPositioning.QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactory

Detailed Description

Each factory method takes a parameters argument, which allows to configure the created source.

class PySide6.QtPositioning.QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactory
PySide6.QtPositioning.QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactory.areaMonitor(parent, parameters)
Return type


Returns a new QGeoAreaMonitorSource associated with this plugin with parent parent, and using parameters as configuration parameters. Can also return 0, in which case the plugin loader will use the factory with the next highest priority.

PySide6.QtPositioning.QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactory.positionInfoSource(parent, parameters)
Return type


Returns a new QGeoPositionInfoSource associated with this plugin with parent parent, and using parameters as configuration parameters. Can also return 0, in which case the plugin loader will use the factory with the next highest priority.

PySide6.QtPositioning.QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactory.satelliteInfoSource(parent, parameters)
Return type


Returns a new QGeoSatelliteInfoSource associated with this plugin with parent parent, and using parameters as configuration parameters. Can also return 0, in which case the plugin loader will use the factory with the next highest priority.