In-App purchasing demo

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#include <QDebug> #include <QJniEnvironment> #include <QtCore> #include "androidinapppurchasebackend.h" #include "androidinappproduct.h" #include "androidinapptransaction.h" #include "../inapp/inappstore.h" AndroidInAppPurchaseBackend::AndroidInAppPurchaseBackend(QObject *parent) : InAppPurchaseBackend(parent) , m_isReady(false) { m_javaObject = QJniObject("org/qtproject/qt/android/purchasing/InAppPurchase", "(Landroid/content/Context;J)V", QNativeInterface::QAndroidApplication::context(), this); if (!m_javaObject.isValid()) { qWarning("Cannot initialize IAP backend for Android due to missing dependency: InAppPurchase class"); return; } } void AndroidInAppPurchaseBackend::initialize() { m_javaObject.callMethod<void>("initializeConnection"); } bool AndroidInAppPurchaseBackend::isReady() const { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); return m_isReady; } void AndroidInAppPurchaseBackend::restorePurchases() { for (const QString &purchasedUnlockeble : purchasedUnlockebles) { InAppProduct *product = store()->registeredProduct(purchasedUnlockeble); Q_ASSERT(product != 0); checkFinalizationStatus(product, InAppTransaction::PurchaseRestored); } } void AndroidInAppPurchaseBackend::queryProducts(const QList<Product> &products) { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); QJniEnvironment environment; QStringList newProducts; for (int i = 0; i < products.size(); ++i) { const Product &product =; if (m_productTypeForPendingId.contains(product.identifier)) { qWarning("Product query already pending for %s", qPrintable(product.identifier)); continue; } else{ m_productTypeForPendingId[product.identifier] = product.productType; newProducts.append(product.identifier); } } if (newProducts.isEmpty()) return; jclass cls = environment->FindClass("java/lang/String"); jobjectArray productIds = environment->NewObjectArray(newProducts.size(), cls, 0); environment->DeleteLocalRef(cls); for (int i = 0; i < newProducts.size(); ++i) { QJniObject identifier = QJniObject::fromString(; environment->SetObjectArrayElement(productIds, i, identifier.object()); } m_javaObject.callMethod<void>("queryDetails", "([Ljava/lang/String;)V", productIds); environment->DeleteLocalRef(productIds); } void AndroidInAppPurchaseBackend::queryProduct(InAppProduct::ProductType productType, const QString &identifier) { queryProducts(QList<Product>() << Product(productType, identifier)); } void AndroidInAppPurchaseBackend::setPlatformProperty(const QString &propertyName, const QString &value) { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); if ("AndroidPublicKey"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { m_javaObject.callMethod<void>("setPublicKey", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V", QJniObject::fromString(value).object<jstring>()); } } void AndroidInAppPurchaseBackend::consumeTransaction(const QString &purchaseToken) { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); m_javaObject.callMethod<void>("consumePurchase", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V", QJniObject::fromString(purchaseToken).object<jstring>()); } void AndroidInAppPurchaseBackend::registerFinalizedUnlockable(const QString &purchaseToken) { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); m_javaObject.callMethod<void>("acknowledgeUnlockablePurchase", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V", QJniObject::fromString(purchaseToken).object<jstring>()); } bool AndroidInAppPurchaseBackend::transactionFinalizedForProduct(InAppProduct *product) { Q_ASSERT(m_infoForPurchase.contains(product->identifier())); if (product->productType() != InAppProduct::Consumable && purchasedUnlockebles.contains(product->identifier())) { return true; } return false; } void AndroidInAppPurchaseBackend::checkFinalizationStatus(InAppProduct *product, InAppTransaction::TransactionStatus status) { // Verifies the finalization status of an item based on the following logic: // 1. If the item is not purchased yet, do nothing (it's either never been purchased, or it's a // consumed consumable. // 2. If the item is purchased, and it's a consumable, it's unfinalized. Emit a new transaction. // Consumable items are consumed when they are finalized. // 3. If the item is purchased, and it's an unlockable, check the local cache for finalized // unlockable purchases. If it's not there, then the transaction is unfinalized. This means // that if the cache gets deleted or corrupted, the worst-case scenario is that the transactions // are republished. QHash<QString, PurchaseInfo>::iterator it = m_infoForPurchase.find(product->identifier()); if (it == m_infoForPurchase.end()) { return; } const PurchaseInfo &info = it.value(); if (transactionFinalizedForProduct(product)) { AndroidInAppTransaction *transaction = new AndroidInAppTransaction(info.signature,, info.purchaseToken, info.orderId, status, product, info.timestamp, InAppTransaction::NoFailure, QString(), this); emit transactionReady(transaction); } } void AndroidInAppPurchaseBackend::registerProduct(const QString &productId, const QString &price, const QString &title, const QString &description) { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); QHash<QString, InAppProduct::ProductType>::iterator it = m_productTypeForPendingId.find(productId); Q_ASSERT(it != m_productTypeForPendingId.end()); AndroidInAppProduct *product = new AndroidInAppProduct(this, price, title, description, it.value(), it.key(), this); emit productQueryDone(product); } void AndroidInAppPurchaseBackend::registerPurchased(const QString &identifier, const QString &signature, const QString &data, const QString &purchaseToken, const QString &orderId, const QDateTime &timestamp) { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); m_infoForPurchase.insert(identifier, PurchaseInfo(signature, data, purchaseToken, orderId, timestamp)); QHash<QString, InAppProduct::ProductType>::iterator it = m_productTypeForPendingId.find(identifier); if (it.value() == InAppProduct::Unlockable && !purchasedUnlockebles.contains(identifier)) purchasedUnlockebles.append(identifier); } void AndroidInAppPurchaseBackend::registerReady() { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); m_isReady = true; emit ready(); } void AndroidInAppPurchaseBackend::purchaseProduct(AndroidInAppProduct *product) { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); if (!m_javaObject.isValid()) { purchaseFailed(product, InAppTransaction::ErrorOccurred, QStringLiteral("Java backend is not initialized")); return; } int requestCode = 0; while (m_activePurchaseRequests.contains(requestCode)) { requestCode++; if (requestCode == 0) { qWarning("No available request code for purchase request."); return; } } m_activePurchaseRequests[requestCode] = product; m_javaObject.callMethod<void>("launchBillingFlow", "(Ljava/lang/String;I)V", QJniObject::fromString(product->identifier()).object<jstring>(), requestCode); } void AndroidInAppPurchaseBackend::purchaseFailed(int requestCode, int failureReason, const QString &errorString) { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); InAppProduct *product = m_activePurchaseRequests.take(requestCode); if (product == 0) { qWarning("No product registered for requestCode %d", requestCode); return; } purchaseFailed(product, failureReason, errorString); } void AndroidInAppPurchaseBackend::purchaseFailed(InAppProduct *product, int failureReason, const QString &errorString) { InAppTransaction *transaction = new AndroidInAppTransaction(QString(), QString(), QString(), QString(), InAppTransaction::PurchaseFailed, product, QDateTime(), InAppTransaction::FailureReason(failureReason), errorString, this); emit transactionReady(transaction); } void AndroidInAppPurchaseBackend::purchaseSucceeded(int requestCode, const QString &signature, const QString &data, const QString &purchaseToken, const QString &orderId, const QDateTime &timestamp) { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); InAppProduct *product = m_activePurchaseRequests.take(requestCode); if (product == 0) { qWarning("No product registered for requestCode %d", requestCode); return; } m_infoForPurchase.insert(product->identifier(), PurchaseInfo(signature, data, purchaseToken, orderId, timestamp)); InAppTransaction *transaction = new AndroidInAppTransaction(signature, data, purchaseToken, orderId, InAppTransaction::PurchaseApproved, product, timestamp, InAppTransaction::NoFailure, QString(), this); emit transactionReady(transaction); }