In-App purchasing demo
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m_vowelsUnlocked = m_persistentSettings.value("Hangman/vowelsUnlocked", false).toBool(); m_vowelsAvailable = m_persistentSettings.value("Hangman/vowelsAvailable", 0).toInt(); m_wordsGiven = m_persistentSettings.value("Hangman/wordsGiven", 0).toInt(); m_wordsGuessedCorrectly = m_persistentSettings.value("Hangman/wordsGuessedCorrectly", 0).toInt(); m_score = m_persistentSettings.value("Hangman/score", 0).toInt(); } void HangmanGame::reset() { m_lettersOwned.clear(); emit lettersOwnedChanged(); emit errorCountChanged(); chooseRandomWord(); } void HangmanGame::reveal() { m_lettersOwned += vowels() + consonants(); emit errorCountChanged(); emit lettersOwnedChanged(); } void HangmanGame::gameOverReveal() { m_lettersOwned += vowels() + consonants(); emit lettersOwnedChanged(); } void HangmanGame::requestLetter(const QString &letterString) { Q_ASSERT(letterString.size() == 1); QChar letter =; registerLetterBought(letter); } void HangmanGame::guessWord(const QString &word) { if (, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { //Determine how many vowels were earned setVowelsAvailable(m_vowelsAvailable + calculateEarnedVowels()); //score is number of remaining consonants + remaining errors setScore(m_score + calculateEarnedPoints()); m_lettersOwned += m_word.toUpper(); } else { // Small hack to get an additional penalty for guessing wrong static int i=0; Q_ASSERT(i < 10); m_lettersOwned += QString::number(i++); emit errorCountChanged(); } emit lettersOwnedChanged(); } bool HangmanGame::isVowel(const QString &letter) { Q_ASSERT(letter.size() == 1); QChar letterChar =; return vowels().contains(letterChar); } QString HangmanGame::vowels() const { return QStringLiteral("AEIOU"); } QString HangmanGame::consonants() const { return QStringLiteral("BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ"); } int HangmanGame::errorCount() const { int count = 0; for (QChar c : m_lettersOwned) { if (!m_word.contains(c)) ++count; } return count; } bool HangmanGame::vowelsUnlocked() const { return m_vowelsUnlocked; } void HangmanGame::setVowelsUnlocked(bool vowelsUnlocked) { if (m_vowelsUnlocked != vowelsUnlocked) { m_vowelsUnlocked = vowelsUnlocked; m_persistentSettings.setValue("Hangman/vowelsUnlocked", m_vowelsUnlocked); emit vowelsUnlockedChanged(m_vowelsUnlocked); } } int HangmanGame::vowelsAvailable() const { return m_vowelsAvailable; } int HangmanGame::wordsGiven() const { return m_wordsGiven; } int HangmanGame::wordsGuessedCorrectly() const { return m_wordsGuessedCorrectly; } int HangmanGame::score() const { return m_score; } void HangmanGame::setScore(int score) { if (m_score != score) { m_score = score; m_persistentSettings.setValue("Hangman/score", m_score); emit scoreChanged(score); } } void HangmanGame::setWordsGiven(int count) { if (m_wordsGiven != count) { m_wordsGiven = count; m_persistentSettings.setValue("Hangman/wordsGiven", m_wordsGiven); emit wordsGivenChanged(count); } } void HangmanGame::setWordsGuessedCorrectly(int count) { if (m_wordsGuessedCorrectly != count) { m_wordsGuessedCorrectly = count; m_persistentSettings.setValue("Hangman/wordsGuessedCorrectly", m_wordsGuessedCorrectly); emit wordsGuessedCorrectlyChanged(count); } } void HangmanGame::setVowelsAvailable(int count) { if (m_vowelsAvailable != count) { m_vowelsAvailable = count; m_persistentSettings.setValue("Hangman/vowelsAvailable", m_vowelsAvailable); emit vowelsAvailableChanged(count); } } void HangmanGame::registerLetterBought(const QChar &letter) { if (m_lettersOwned.contains(letter)) return; m_lettersOwned.append(letter); emit lettersOwnedChanged(); if (!m_word.contains(letter)) emit errorCountChanged(); } void HangmanGame::chooseRandomWord() { const std::lock_guard<QRecursiveMutex> locker(m_lock); if (m_wordList.isEmpty()) return; m_word =>bounded(m_wordList.size())); emit wordChanged(); } void HangmanGame::initWordList() { const std::lock_guard<QRecursiveMutex> locker(m_lock); QFile file(":/dict.txt"); if ( { QByteArray allData = file.readAll(); QBuffer buffer(&allData); if (! qFatal("Couldn't open buffer for reading!"); while (!buffer.atEnd()) { QByteArray ba = buffer.readLine().trimmed().toUpper(); if (!ba.isEmpty() && ba.length() < 10) m_wordList.append(QString::fromLatin1(ba)); } } chooseRandomWord(); } int HangmanGame::calculateEarnedVowels() { int total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_word.length(); ++i) { if (isVowel(QString(m_word[i])) && !m_lettersOwned.contains(QString(m_word[i]))) total++; } return total; } int HangmanGame::calculateEarnedPoints() { int total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_word.length(); ++i) { if (consonants().contains(QString(m_word[i])) && !m_lettersOwned.contains(QString(m_word[i]))) total++; } total += 8 - errorCount(); return total; }